Supporting Women ​In Identifying Their ​Spiritual Gifts to Live ​In Their Calling.

Mimi E.

UnderstanDing your life path

with Past Life Guidance

Ancestral Healing

Shaman Apprentice



Ready to become a practicing shaman to discover your medicine, heal your emotional, spiritual, and physical wounds, connect to your ancestors, discover your purpose, and heal your community?

Schedule a ​Spiritual ​Consultation

Wouldn't it feel good to feel supported on ​your spiritual journey, eliminating all doubt ​and confusion? Schedule a Spiritual ​Consultation call with Mimi E. which will ​support you in getting clarity and ​direction to take the next steps to heal ​past trauma, identify your spiritual gift, ​and pursue your soul’s calling

Schedule a call if:

  • You desire clarity around your spiritual ​gifts
  • You’ve been attracting the same ​people, experiences,
  • You're ready to begin hearing from ​your Ancestors, and getting their ​support?

Spiritual healing services

What is Shamanic

Energy Healing?

Using Shamanic Elemental Reiki Mimi E. brings the energy represented by the five (5) elementals Earth, Fire, Air, Water, and Vibration in your body into harmony.

Each Element rules a certain part of your body, and when it's out of balance you may experience various energy blocks that are often represented by physical symptoms in the body.

Earth Element - governs the Physical Body. When unbalanced you'll experience random aches and pains in knees, neck, back, and ears. Rules the Root Chakra.

Fire Element - governs your Will Power. When unbalanced you'll experience trouble making decisions, lack self-confidence, low self-esteem, and an inability to freely share your opinions and ideas. Rules the Solar Plexus Chakra.

Air Element - governs the Mental (Mind) Body. When unbalanced you'll experience anxious thoughts, overthinking, inability to sleep, can turn your mind off, rationalizing your emotions,and dark dreams. Rules the Heart Chakra.

Water Element - governs the Emotional Body. When unbalanced you'll experience emotional rollercoasters, or an inability to feel your emotions. You'll overshare, project your insecurities, and judge others. Rules the Sacral Chakra.

Vibration Element - governs the Energy (Soul) Body. When unbalanced you'll experience an inability to speak your truth, disconnection from soul's purpose, unsure of identity, severe anxiety and intimidated to share your natural spiritual gifts. Rules the Throat Chakra.

Working with Mimi has shown me the many ways that ​I've let my energy leak in places that did not offer me ​anything in return. She's helped me to tap into my ​intuition like never before. After every session I feel a ​shift happen within me that lets me know I'm aligning ​with my Divine Feminine spiritual power.

Malika A. - Shaman Training

group healing services

Understanding Your ​Spiritual Gifts

Many of us came to Earth with a purpose. You feel that purpose ​most when it’s boiling up inside of you because you’re not living ​in it.

Our spiritual gifts are the tools we’ve been given to accompany ​our purpose to make your experience on Earth more intentional ​and enjoyable.

JOIN ME in my three week “Understanding Your Spiritual Gifts” ​series where you’ll

* Gain clarity about your Spiritual Gifts

* Overcome self-doubt when it comes to trusting and using your ​gifts

* Overcome the fear of being judged for abilities

* Learn to Honor your Spiritual Gifts and more.


  • a 30 Day Meditation Guide w/ Journal prompts, written by ​Mimi E.
  • 3 90 Minute virtual teaching sessions
  • 3 Spiritual Rituals to Connect with Ancestors, Cleanse Dark ​Energy, and to Build Confidence in Your Gifts

Reserve My Seat

Join My Spiritual Healing Community

Be a part of a community of spiritual women healing from generational wounds.

Join my mailing list to be the first to receive details on upcoming retreats and offerings. As well as, learn ways to incorporate the elements in your self healing journey.


About Mimi E.

Born and raised in Brooklyn, New York Mimi E. credits her spiritual gifts and wisdom to her connection with her Haitian ancestors.

As a Shamanic Energy Healing practitioner, Spiritual Teacher, Intuitive Coach, & Community Builder, Mimi offers spiritual healing services that supports women of color in connecting back to their ancestral spiritual practices to build confidence in themselves, and to fully step into and own their life's purpose.

After being laid off from her tech marketing director position almost a decade ago, Mimi chose to use this break to connect to her ancestors and develop her spiritual gifts.

After numerous spiritual experiences, Mimi felt she'd gone as far as she could in her spiritual journey, and sought out the support of a teacher. A vivid dream of a spiritual shaman she'd never met in Bali, Indonesia led Mimi to travel 10,000+ miles away to find this teacher.

Mimi received her spiritual training with Shamans in both Indonesia and Colombia. However, her most profound teachers have always been Spirit and her Ancestors, who support her in her ever-evolving spiritual practice.

Mimi E. specializes in using the Five Elements to heal emotional wounds and activate Spiritual Gifts. As well as, support women in birthing their in Divine Goddess identities.

First, I want to thank Mimi for guiding me through such an amazing shamanic energy healing journey through the sound and vibration healing. It has opened up doors for me. It has allowed me to see and overcome my blockages, it has elevated me in my spiritual practice. I have shed so many more layers since then it’s been beautiful

Jasmine L.. - Shamanic Energy Healing

Let's Work Together

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